Closing on: Mar 10, 2024


March Debate Topic: “Should schools prioritize teaching coding and computer science over traditional subjects like history or literature?”

Date: March 23rd 2024 

Time: 9:45 am – 11: 15am EST

Your responsibilities:

  1. Research and Preparation: Debaters are responsible for thoroughly researching their assigned topics or motions. This includes understanding various perspectives, gathering evidence, and staying updated on relevant current events. Proper preparation ensures that debaters can present well-informed arguments and rebuttals.
  2. Clarity and Organization: Debaters should communicate their arguments clearly and coherently. This involves structuring their speeches in a logical manner, using effective transitions between points, and avoiding jargon or overly complex language that may confuse the audience or judges. Clear communication enhances the persuasiveness of their arguments.
  3. Respect and Professionalism: Debaters must maintain a respectful and professional demeanor throughout the debate. This includes treating opponents, judges, and audience members with courtesy, refraining from personal attacks or derogatory language, and acknowledging opposing viewpoints with civility. Respectful conduct fosters a constructive environment for meaningful discourse.
  4. Critical Thinking and Analysis: Debaters are expected to critically evaluate arguments presented by both their opponents and themselves. This involves identifying logical fallacies, analyzing evidence for validity and reliability, and synthesizing complex information to support their positions. Effective critical thinking enables debaters to construct compelling arguments and counterarguments.
  5. Adaptability and Flexibility: Debaters should be adaptable to different debate formats, styles, and unexpected developments during the debate. This includes adjusting their strategies based on feedback from judges or shifts in the direction of the discourse. Flexibility allows debaters to effectively respond to challenges and effectively advocate for their positions under varying circumstances.
  6. In your application, let us know your position. (Are you affirmative or  negative?).


Rate: $80

Debate Winner gets additional $20

Job Category: Public Speaking
Job Type: Part Time
Job Location: Virtual

Apply for this position

Allowed Type(s): .pdf, .doc, .docx

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